CPM: 2,500 (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) Gross Counts (Detector Radeye B20)
Dose Rate 0.14 uSv/hr Gamma (Detector Radiacode 103)
This Uranium ore was found at an abandoned mining site in Southern Utah. Miners in this area usually mined for uranium in the form of carnotite, which is an ore with a slight yellow or greenish tint to it. The ore also contains other radioactive isotopes that come from the decay of uranium. Most of the gamma radiation will be coming from the tiny bit of radium in the ore.
Most of the radiation can be blocked with either glass or plastic. The radiation is the most intense right at the surface of the ore sample. Care should be taken while handling the ore sample. Gloves are recommended for handling the ore sample and having some kind of Geiger counter on hand is highly recommended as well. Handling of the ore sample should be done in an area that can be cleaned easily or outside.
Uranium ore is really only a hazard if its ingested or inhaled. Keeping it in a display case should pose no problems. The ore will produce a small amount of radon gas over time from natural radioactive decay.
The activity of the sample was measured at 2,500 CPM (counts per minute) using a Radeye B20 meter. This reading is a combination of alpha, beta and gamma radiation coming from the sample at the surface. This reading can only be recreated using a meter that has a pancake probe and can detect alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
*This sample reacts when exposed to ultra violet light. The strongest glow will come from a UV-A light that emits 365nm wavelength of light. Usually cheaper UV lights won’t create as bright as a glow.
Data from mining report of area where sample was found.
Commodity | Importance |
Uranium | Primary |
Copper | Tertiary |
Materials information
Materials | Type of material |
Malachite | Ore |
Torbernite | Ore |
Analytical data
Result | GRAB SAMPLE YIELDED 0.25 % U3O8 AND A TRACE OF V2O5 , AND 0.05 % CU |
Host and associated rocks
Host or associated | Host | ||||
Rock type | Sedimentary Rock > Clastic Sedimentary Rock > Sandstone | ||||
Rock unit name | Kayenta Formation | ||||
Rock description | Kayenta Formation
| ||||
The sample will be properly labeled
and will be wrapped to comply fully
with USPS post office regulations. The
rocks can be shipped only within the
USA: foreign shipments are NOT
allowed, due to regulations of the
USPS and the federal Nuclear
Regulatory Commission.
This package is wrapped to conform to the
requirements of USPS Packaging Instruction 7A
and USPS Publication 52, Section 347.22